NEW Video NFT!
This time 25% of every purchase I will invest in the buyer’s coin and another 25% will be given to the buyer to invest in my coin. I’m doing this after being inspired by great creators like SharkGang and Valtran.
Diamond Showers will also be given to every buyer.
Only 5 copies available.
Anyways, what’s up with this video?
This is what would happen if Yngwie Malmsteen and Rick Wakeman had a baby.
For those of you who don’t know, Yngwie Malmsteen is a guitar shredder, and Rick Wakeman is a keyboard virtuoso. What would happen if they had a baby? Well, just watch this video and mint this NFT via the link above ☝🏼
Btw, the song performed here is a Baroque composition called “Invention no. 8” composed by J.S. Bach (1685-1750 AD). As a one-man band and multi-instrumentalist, it’s an honor to tackle this great composition!
#yngwiemalmsteen #rickwakeman #jsbach #bach #inventionno8 #bachinvention #bachinvention8 #baroquemusic #mightyonemanband #guitar #keyboard #onemanband #desomusic #music
Any thoughts on how you prove real users Vs bots? Would it have to rely on wallet balance over $x?
I do think you are on to something interesting.
The wallet balances would need to be higher (possibly significantly higher) than the CAC to prevent gaming the system. Do you still think that could work? Certain types of apps that require users to use real money would work, but low cost social apps may not.
The wallet balances would need to be higher (possibly significantly higher) than the CAC to prevent gaming the system. Do you still think that could work? Certain types of apps that require users to use real money would work, but low cost social apps may not.