We've successfully completed our current funding round! Thanks to all who have contributed to making this project possible. While we didn't reach our latest stretch goal this time, users can now easily acquire tokens through our website at desosearchengine.com

We are just $50 away from achieving our next milestone: Date range search functionality! This feature will significantly enhance your ability to explore and analyze content on DeSo over specific periods.
Your support has been instrumental in our progress. To help us reach this stretch goal, consider contributing via our OpenFund campaign: openfund.com/d/DeSoSearchEngine
Additionally, you can utilize your @DeSoSearchEngine OpenFund tokens to begin searching the DeSo Blockchain today at DeSoSearchEngine.com

Thank you @TheInverseNFT and @Silto_Nascao we are just $50 from our next stretch goal which will see even more advanced search filters added, including date range and engagement metrics (like diamonds and reposts)! Contribute here (and use the tokens you receive to search DeSo at desosearchengine.com ): openfund.com/d/DeSoSearchEngine

New Feature Alert: Now you can search by:
Exact Phrase
All of these words
Any of these words
Try it out! desosearchengine.com
(these features are all from the first stretch goal - more stretch goals are available: openfund.com/d/DeSoSearchEngine )

Thank you for your contributions @NathanHeffelman
@degen_doge @DiamondThumb @Jiandai @ElizabethTubbs @erwinwillems @darian_parrish @10XChris @Ugottaloveit @SeWiJuGA @lmeow @nikolaiii @Silto_Nasca
We're getting closer to our second stretch-goal that will add the ability to filter search based on date range and engagement metrics (like diamonds or reposts), enhancing the user experience significantly!
Contribute and use your tokens to search the @deso blockchain (1 token per search): openfund.com/d/DeSoSearchEngine

With our initial funding goal reached we are building!
Will be released soon (and token holders will be able to use it right away!). More features through our stretch goals if you would like to contribute: openfund.com/d/DeSoSearchEngine