Top 5 Clifton Strengths:
International Awards:
1st Place - Italian Street Photo Festival 2019 - SIngle Photo category
Finalist - Italian Street Photo Festival 2020 - SIngle Photo category
Grand Winner - Paris International Street Photo Awards 2020 - Street & Animals Series category
Finalist - Eyeshot Open Call 2022
Grand Winner - Paris International Street Photo Awards 2022 - Street & Children Series category
NFTz: kevinicabales.nftz.me
Apple Music: music.apple.com/ph/artist/kevin-icabales/1530653327?ls
CC Holders Rewards:
* Top 5 Holders will receive 0.5% ($DESO equivalent) whenever I sell NFTs from other blockchains ($ETH, $SOL, $XTZ, $DESO) + 0.005 $DESO + 0.25% CC Holding Market Value
* The remaining CC holders will receive 0.1% of the CC bought whenever I sell one NFT in other blockchains ($ETH, $SOL, $XTZ, $DESO) + 0.1% CC Holding Market Value
* Airdrop of the rewards will be every end of the month.
* 1% ($DESO equivalent), whenever I sell NFTs from other blockchains ($ETH, $SOL, $XTZ, $DESO) + 0.005 $DESO, will be invested in my creator coin