Twitter’s algorithm source code now available to everyone!
SOURCE CODE: t.co/9ozsyZANwa
Listen to @elonmusk and co discuss the algo on twitter spaces: twitter.com/i/spaces/1jMJgLdenVjxL

BitsToday!!!! I can't believe my eyes <3
SPECIAL EDITION: The inaugural DeSo anniversary celebration was off the chain.
A BitsTODAY Op-ed written by and through the eyes of @darian_parrish and @Sandirose.
READ IT HERE: bit.ly/3qT9fp7
Mentioned: @deso @DeSoNniversary @alinaferry @NFTz @Matreshka @BestBartenders @nader @buse @AlexValaitis @FastFreddie @CassiusCuvee @WilliamLaurent @jLam @KennyJ @mp3 @DOZ @allendes @Goldberry @brecky @Kissers @MrTrip1et @MechellLord @MissKatiann @rhubarb @Chestreshka @1dolinski @Sandirose @darian_parrish @TeamDeSo
READ IT HERE: bit.ly/3qT9fp7

$DeSo lists on Coinbase, immediately drops alpha: DAO tools & smart services soon?
READ IT HERE ➡️ bit.ly/3q7zR4o
Mentioned & Linked: @nader @deso @tijn @scottcents @maebeam @illuMEMEnati @LazyNina @artz @AlexValaitis @shaunmmaguire @Fungibles @Krassenstein @meghanvita @HPaulson @paulburke @Sandirose @jack @ChaseSteely @RudyKarsan @securities @mubashariqbal @desosanta @spookies @BadSanta 🎅🏻
READ IT HERE ➡️ bit.ly/3q7zR4o

Go give the Coinbase @deso listing announcement article 50 claps 👏🏼 or you’re an undercover cop:
Also you can follow us on medium if you want too 👉🏼 bit.ly/btstdy
K thx bai

When you don’t know how to code but the cool kids bring you along for the ride anyway. 🚀
#LFG 🌙 🔜
The Rocket Fuel to the Moon are the developers! 🚀🌕🚀🌕
Appearing in image: @Stori @NFTZ @Polygram @cloutcast @Supernovas @altumbase @bitstoday @prosperclout @chimein @wun @wollo @jamclout

"DeSo publishes the Decentralized Social cheat-sheet."
READ IT HERE: bit.ly/31vBKiW
⚡️ TODAY'S PROJECTS: @ProsperClout @Desomon @plus @flickapp @CloutMegazord @ChimeIn

"DeSo publishes the Decentralized Social cheat-sheet."
READ IT HERE: bit.ly/31vBKiW
@Pixal @Buckstaff @Kdvakdva @gift @drake @Dario_Ryu_Alioto @Catalyzer @CloutClues @DeSoKit @alexisohanian @flickapp @whoisaddison

👋🏻 Hey, we're back. Did you miss us?
"DeSo publishes the Decentralized Social cheat-sheet."
READ IT HERE: bit.ly/31vBKiW
Mentioned: @v @designal @bithunt @AlexValaitis @hnshah @zordon @WhaleSharkdotPro @gem @HPaulson @ChaseSteely @Fungibles @cloutpunk @ourielohayon @ZenGo @entre @petern @nader @EverythingStore @tijn @Matreshka
READ IT HERE: bit.ly/31vBKiW

DeSo Protocol says smart contracts for Web3 are NGMI.
“📈 … and on today’s episode of “Probably Nothing:” Jimmy Fallon buys a Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT (bit.ly/3qH8AHZ) and the official NFL Twitter account uses Odell Beckham Jr’s Cryptopunk to make an NFT joke (bit.ly/3qVKedR). The takeaways?
1. Jpegs have officially hit the mainstream and are here to stay.
2. OBJ is an absolute liability on your fantasy football roster and should be dropped immediately.”
READ MORE ➡️ bit.ly/3qwSujY

DeSo Protocol says smart contracts for Web3 are NGMI.
READ IT HERE ➡️ bit.ly/3qwSujY
Mentioned: @nader @AlexValaitis @maebeam @jodybossert @znmead @MechellLord @AylaCroft @NirvanaHTX @CyrusAbrahim @illuMEMEnati @SashaNFT @Kad @Matreshka @CateColgan @darian_parrish @AleaSedona @ClayPerryMusic @wendyleigh @ThePennyTrader @DOZ @WilliamLaurent @Sandirose @Meeks @matthope @Murkury @CassiusCuvee @100 @tijn @DeSoLabs @mattetre @OctoPosse @BobbyDigital42 @JaySinuous @SacredSkulls @Thortorrens @Krassenstein @alexisohanian @zopel
READ IT HERE ➡️ bit.ly/3qwSujY

📰 TODAY'S BITS: The $50 million DeSo fund announces a hackathon, Floyd Mayweather joins Diamond. Probably nothing.
"🧱 We have entered phase 2 of the Octane fund (bit.ly/3D4sDn5), a $50 million fund to fuel the Decentralized Social developer ecosystem: bit.ly/2YAJJdl
The TL;DR: there were over 100 project submissions and the team will be getting on calls with the ones that stood out the most. The first official DeSo hackathon is coming 🔜. @nader also intro’d us to @alexvalaitis , the new tech product manager for the DeSo Foundation, and the man loves a good coffee shop vibe for maximum flow-state productivity. Where ser? ☕️"
READ MORE: bit.ly/301ha9a

Fast forward to 2022…fill in the blank.
Diamonds for the best.
Here’s ours:
Fast forward to 2022…
@Krassenstein daily gets 500k views per episode. Now sponsored by Gillette
@badassbaboons selling for $100k min floor and widely used for VIP access in the top global super clubs
First $100m app
@bitstoday acquired by The Wall Street Journal
📰 TODAY'S BITS: The $50 million DeSo fund announces a hackathon, Floyd Mayweather joins Diamond. Probably nothing.
"📸 Two celebs one day: Both @floydmayweather and @souljaboy claimed their accounts on Diamondapp after being onboarded by the DeSo trio @HighKey , and immediately got to work spreading the gospel: bit.ly/3ohaAUt
Highkey is lowkey carrying the platform on their back rn and we love them for it. 🫂"
READ MORE: bit.ly/301ha9a

“👨🏼🚀 @Miniclout announced their video game! @Miniclout is a DeSo native game that expects to be available on Android/IOS/ web devices. The game is still currently in the works, but from the looks of it, it’s gonna absolutely slap. Its played by using $DESO to purchase the limited MiniClout NFT heroes. Connect your wallet to use your character in game, build territories and even attack other players to win NFTs and diamonds! Check out their presentation to get all the juicy details for what’s to come. 🪐”
READ MORE: bit.ly/301ha9a

The $50 million DeSo fund announces a hackathon, Floyd Mayweather joins Diamond. Probably nothing.
READ IT HERE: bit.ly/301ha9a
Mentioned: @elonmusk @nader @shaanvp @thesamparr @hubspot @dharmesh @afterparty @RobertGraham @reade @Dylanjaggerlee @spookies @bithunt @designal @plus @paulburke @AlexValaitis @MiniClout @floydmayweather @souljaboy @HighKey @Nigels @simp @maebeam
READ IT HERE: bit.ly/301ha9a

099. Let’s have some hard forking conversations.
READ IT HERE: bit.ly/3mApF3S
Top New Accounts
1. @Eula_Alvarado
2. @Sagoo
3. @AhmadM
Top Bought Creators
1. @Stori
2. @dharmesh
3. @cloutfeed
Top Followers Gained
1. @DeSoKit
2. @senDeSo
3. @AdClouts
Top Sold Creators
1. @MarioNawfal
2. @nader
3. @Conradjackcarr