My youngest turns 4 tomorrow <3 Life is moving fast and it already is feeling like spring. This is going to be a fun year.

I’ve spent a lot of time at the museum this winter. I’m so happy spring is only 3 months away! It’s been a long winter I miss the forest<3

Just a reminder sometimes cutting someone out of your life is self love. You don’t lose anything you just make room for people at your level of growth❤️
Your peace is more important. Maybe this chapter is your time to focus on you.

Happy Halloween everyone,
Who is all showing up to the nacho average party?
I’m going to try my best to be there but I may be out tricker treating at that time.
Have fun and stay safe out there this weekend 😇

I came across this quote.“apologize to your body maybe that’s where the healing begins” It hit hard.I got cancer at 30. My only risk factor was stress. Stress that I objected myself to because I was afraid to change my future.
Friends we always know when something isn’t right. Immediately. So maybe now is a good time to check in.
My morning affirmation,
“I am loving kind and strong. I am wise and am stepping into my power. I am excited for what the future holds. I am an inspiration to myself and others.”

Good morning DeSo,
My house always has family coming staying for a few days and then they head back home. I’m truly blessed❤️
My affirmation for today is,
“I am blessed with strong connections and support. I accept my family members exactly as they are. Each of us brings a beautiful blessing. Abundance and wealth is flowing to us.”
Have a good day my sweet friends.

Good morning,
Ever have a dream when you get the message that you needed to hear. Loud and clear but you can’t put it into words? I love those because it was truly only for you❤️ What a gift.
We can imagine someone’s life all we want but it is nothing like what we have created in our mind.
My affirmation,
“My life is beautifully made of intricate blessing. I am thankful for the things that have and have not entered my path. Both are blessings. I am patient and trust divine timing.”

We can’t take anyone on our journey with us. We can share similar experience and invite them to see ours. But we must always respect theirs. Sometimes it’s hard because we want what we believe is best for those we love. Sometimes we just need to smile at them and observe❤️ I think that really is what true love is.
My daily affirmation is,
“I am right where I should be. I respect and appreciate the now. My life is flowing and attracting abundance.”

I come from a little island here in Alaska. In my heart it’s home. It’s where my people are my family. Somehow this world has gotten me so curious that I can’t go back to live there ❤️ I’m so grateful for it. We can always go back in our memories. The good things in life always hold a dear space in our hearts even when we can’t go back. So hold on to them and honor the people and places that have helped shape who we are and where we are. Take a few minutes to thank them❤️

Good morning guys,
My daily affirmation for today is
“I see and appreciate all the beauty in my life❤️ I appreciate all the people who have shared space with me, loved me and have helped me grow.”
Thanks for sharing this space with my DeSo family.

Good morning friends,
Today is a beautiful day. My daily affirmation for today is
“ My life is transforming into a life of ease and happiness. I appreciate everything about myself and the life I’ve created. I let go with ease to welcome the new change❤️“

Salmon season.
Do you wild harvest? If so what do you get for your family? Do you have any traditions or practices?
I always share with elders and people I know that can’t get any.

Sunset last night at 1am in Alaska.
Just a picture for everyone asking about it always being light.
Land of the midnight sun.
May your light never dim ❤️

Took a little walk today to clear my head <3
It was nice to get out and see the ocean.

Good morning friends,
My affirmation today is
I am worthy of all my dreams.
In life we all have low moments where life wants to see how hard we will fight for what is ours. In those moments I always go to nature to hear my inner voice and re affirm what I’m looking for❤️

Matanuska peak❤️

A little bit of Alaska

Went out on a date tonight. We got a birds eye view of downtown and the ocean. I needed to get out and change the pace of life.