Today, our Independent Creators Panel (@readyplayerone @discogroup @gmf) awarded 100 USD 💰 to one winner today: @RHYNELF
Congratulations! 🏆
@AliAlexander and @AlexToma each put in 200 USD into his coin too, impressed with his consistency. @Cloutmembers pays creators!
#FullCoinHODLers: @RajLahoti @HappyDuck @MarioNawfalInvestments @EvanLuthra @Lovish843 @nimish
Thanks for the early trust. You get the earliest updates from me on Projects and first opportunity to invest in my upcoming projects. Stay invested
#HalfCoinHODLers: @giftclout @CelebNewsandGossip @Scottscoin
#Point2CoinHODLers: @JeffHawkins @manusrikumar @Botcloutfund @Shubh @VentureCapitalist
Thanks for the trust. Stay invested and consider upgrading to a Full Coin - Now is the time.
CloutMembers is a great tool. We've been with them pretty much since the start