To all lovely people out there ~
You don’t have to follow me.
You don’t have to interact with my posts.
You don’t have to buy my NFTs.
You don’t have to buy my Creator Coin.
(Of course I’m grateful to those who do)
I do use AI to generate many of my long form content drafts (esp. for blogs) then edit them to align with my own values if necessary.
IMO AI is a tool like any other tool. Just like you drive a car to get to your destination faster. There’s no good or bad in it, it just depends on your intentions when using it.
My main purpose here is to share information & knowledge that has helped me on my SELF-REALIZATION journey and led me to live a joyful life.
I just hope it can reach more people to potentially help them better understand Life itself & the power within them to change their lives for good.
Take away whatever that resonates with you personally and leave the rest.
I believe everyone is doing the best they can with what they know
And everyone is on their unique path.
There is no right or wrong really.
If what I share here can help anyone get to know something that they didn’t know but needed to know, that’s already great news for me!
For people wondering what self-realization is, here’s a head start for you: