I will be going forward with my NFT project! After some off chain discussion with a few folks the project and the response here on DeSo I was pleased to receive both constructive criticism and praise! The following modifications will be made to the project!
25% of price goes to you into my CC
25% of price goes to my pockets with the promise that the funds will go towards my content creation
50% of the price I will buy my CC with
Community driven:
every piece will be made as a proposal
A 24 voting period will be generated
The majority vote is the deciding factor as to whether or not the piece is minted
Eventually only kongversations VIPs and those holding NFTs will be allowed to vote once the collection grows large enough!
@whaledshark have you seen forgotten runiverse? Any thoughts on this game yet?
Some people seem to think the price of $DESO is the answer to the success of focus.
I don’t think so.
I think the user experience and quality of content far exceeds the price, if you want this platform to be successful.
Price will follow growth
Never had a professor try and kick me out of class for sitting quietly and respectfully before but I guess there is a first time for everything!
DeSo falling under $10 was unexpected I might just have to pick myself up a little bag
Good morning deso! Happy Sunday! As I walked out from work this morning someone left this on my truck window, I hope that this random message that was left for me will be able to put a smile on your face as it did for me!

Anyone else have thoughts on Microsofts new chip? Personally find it kinda scary but also wildly invested in seeing how we can dive into this tech further for the quantum age... Imagine one day having quantum smart phones...
$focus on a consistent decline as expected, just going to keep holding what I have for now
Think I found a wild @TangyShroom lol happy Valentine's day though deso!

Anyone else waiting for story protocol to launch on Thursday?
Pretty much this... We been through that struggle already we don't need to go through it again and spreading awareness to all the new folks who are overly excited... They'll be grateful if they listen and end up "saving" a lot of money simply by not engaging in the chaos.
And so it begins! One big CT degenerate at a time!
Why people dumping tokens of memes that already catching buyers and ranking high is beyond me.
The game only just begun. OG'S don't need to be each other's exit liquidity at all.
Repost this please..