Wha'. A. Day. Turns out that the DESO community ar' natural pirates!
Some updates from the Guv'nor:
~ Sold out in one hour (estimated 'twould 'ave been 10 mins if mint time was faster)
~ O'er 800 skips
~ Rarity traits comin' in a day or two (41 pirates still waitin' fer thar Cap'ns t' accept the transfer)
~ We all had a blast 'n toughed out the rough waters o' the web

Count on me..
Soport airport
If you fund buyer i frow in kidny as bonus hokus pokuss
Thet meens ya still lie ya self thet ya young...you r whar u r ..n child in you looks likle diferent bold n so on but its allways there
Bro am limited in fonda n it knolege but not in help..tell me what how n I be there..lojal frend all I can offer..
N I Will newel sell you for 10k more or anybody how is no scamer..but you need to tell me how n what dto do please bro..try me gimme task..