If you'd like to contact me, please DM or mention @WhatsMy or @przemyslawdygdon
This account is one of "command" accounts of the @WhatsMy*** family, and I don't actively monitor notifications or DMs.
Break over - service active.
I introduced changes which I hope will make it easier to issue requests to WhatsMy - now family - of "command accounts":
(below info can be found in profile)
Active now:
➡ @WhatsMyGas - gas fees paid on DeSo
➡ @WhatsMyNodeFee - node fees paid to node operators
➡ @WhatsMyFollows - info on follower activity
In the making, not working yet:
➡ @WhatsMyFR
➡ @WhatsMyDiamonds
➡ @WhatsMyHODLings
➡ @WhatsMyNFTs
👉🏼 Simple mention will give you basic info in a comment reply.
👉🏼 For more advanced options, check profile of each command.
👉🏼 Answers will be sent by parent account, @WhatsMy
💲 I don't plan to open the coin of child accounts - if you'd like to invest, please invest in this account: @WhatsMy
Another break for ~30 minutes, changes coming!