It's been a rough couple of months for this #cryptobusker but I finally bring you a new #wabbit !
#Tetris Wabbit

Joker Wabbit!
I must say this was super hard to accomplish I hope someone needs it in their gallery.
Posted via @desofy

Like a dream my Vanishing Alice In Wonderland Wabbit
Rare pricing high in hopes it gets good bids.
Posted via @desofy

Created this Wabbit as a thank you to @BKPOWER8 . Only two exist one is already owned by her.
By purchasingy Madd Hatter Wabbit you also get a copy of this one.
Posted via @desofy

Madd Hatter Wabbit
Extremely Rare
This has to be one of my favorite Wabbits who ever purchases it will receive a free Special Wabbit
Posted via @desofy

Thank you @BKPOWER8 for your support. You are now the proud owner of a rare Wabbit!!!
Posted via @desofy

I'm back!! Check out this Aztec Sun God Wabbit!
Posted via @desofy