Good morning #focus friends… just out for a little bit of a drive this AM! 🚙
Hope everyone has a great day!

If you like me like “unknown” description I have for sure the greatest P.O.P Punk NFTs from @PixelPunks up on sale.
Bundle price can be discussed

Good morning 🌅 ☕️
Wordle 1,375 4/6
Congratulations and thank you ✨ @NFTLegacy ✨🐧😍
We have sent you your Buyers Reward of 0.065 $pwcc ✈️🐧🥰
And Congratulations ✨ @studio_richards ✨ we have sent you your Cocreators Reward 🥰🐧🥰
406 'PenWyn_Don_Donki'
co-creator @studio_richards

Thank you 🦈😍
💎Earn staking rewards by holding @SharkGang's (SGOG + 3D plan) NFTs off the market!
- @JamesBarrett 2.8750 DESO
- @studio_richards 2.6042 DESO
- @Gatucu 2.5833 DESO
- @Arnoud 1.1667 DESO
- @ReihanRei 0.7500 DESO
- @Jhayppy 0.7500 DESO
- @AMurloc 0.6875 DESO
- @DrRob 0.6667 DESO
- @That70sRobot 0.6458 DESO
- @NFTLegacy 0.5833 DESO
- @Exotica_S 0.5625 DESO
- @Randhir 0.5625 DESO
- @Dragonstone 0.5000 DESO
- @Homey 0.4375 DESO
- @mossified 0.4167 DESO
- @AlecsandrosRei 0.4167 DESO
- @tobiasschmid 0.3542 DESO
- @Johan_Holmberg 0.2500 DESO
- @Valtran 0.2292 DESO
- @jodybossert 0.2292 DESO
- @TangledBrush918 0.2292 DESO
- @Surya0 0.2083 DESO
- @BrianDrever 0.1875 DESO
- @BKPOWER8 0.1875 DESO
- @ATanerElhan 0.1250 DESO
- @KAD 0.1250 DESO
- @Ugottalovit 0.1250 DESO
- @Rhynelf 0.1042 DESO
- @Bitclout_FR 0.0833 DESO
- @MrPerson177 0.0625 DESO
- @ColinPearn 0.0625 DESO
- @BanBan 0.0625 DESO
- @fisnikee 0.0625 DESO
- @MaxBarrett 0.0625 DESO
- @Manik 0.0417 DESO
- @Fernando_Pessoa 0.0417 DESO
- @Nordian 0.0417 DESO
- @IDESofMarch 0.0417 DESO
- @JurgenMoors 0.0417 DESO
- @FrenchConnector 0.0417 DESO
- @MrJENZEN 0.0417 DESO
- @ElrickErikose 0.0417 DESO
- @deepblue1 0.0208 DESO
- @MissKatiann 0.0208 DESO
- @Bhagyasri 0.0208 DESO
- @Knight10 0.0208 DESO
- @becopro 0.0208 DESO
- @Procrustes 0.0208 DESO
- @Scrutinize 0.0208 DESO
- @FocusBots 0.0208 DESO
- @SpunkArt 0.0208 DESO
- @NFTvanHalen 0.0208 DESO
- @ShadyAcres 0.0208 DESO
- @a_bloke 0.0208 DESO
- @Diegorobot 0.0208 DESO
- @SeWiJuGA 0.0208 DESO
- @BenMcConnon 0.0208 DESO
- @CyberOwl 0.0208 DESO
- @Shilley 0.0208 DESO
- @excelsa 0.0208 DESO
- @cryptosnipper 0.0208 DESO
- @1000club 0.0208 DESO
- @elSjon 0.0208 DESO
- @MoonlightThunderX 0.0208 DESO
- @CityPhotoLab 0.0208 DESO
- @EtherChad 0.0208 DESO
- @allendes 0.0208 DESO
- @MrTrip1et 0.0208 DESO
- @star5888 0.0208 DESO
- @Vega42 0.0208 DESO
- @CloutRocks 0.0208 DESO
- @Twinstars 0.0208 DESO
- @kanshi 0.0208 DESO
- @mobitoro 0.0208 DESO
- @Cryptochrist1 0.0208 DESO
🙏Congrats and thanks to all holders!
Want to reward your NFT holders too? Start using now.
If you could work for any web3 company, which would you work for and why?
What do “creator” and “influencer” mean to you?
406 'PenWyn_Don_Donki'
co-creator @studio_richards

Haaa Haaa Haaa

Damn nature keeps attacking in my hut. Ants in the pants, mice in rise.
These are the negatives living on an old hut. I havent located where the ants come as they literally seem to spawn out od nowhere everytime I look away, so I keep taking out their commando groups. Mice so far I have caught with a cage and carry them on field, but my patience is growing thinner and I might be entering in slayer mode soon on them as well.