Happy winter solstice everyone!
Project update:
After taking a step back this year, do to personal reasons, we came to grips with the long time demanding, high resource nature of animation and have decided to move away from animation and take a simpler more realistic approach of developing our stories into a graphic novel.
This new direction has breathed life back into the project and we are amped for 2024 and getting our first issue published. Stay tooned.
Hand painting #78

Hand painting #77

Hand painting #76

Hand painting #75

Hand painted #74

Hand painted #73

Hand painted #72

Hand painted #71

Hand painted #70

Hand painted #69

Hand painted #68

Hand painting #67

Hand painting #66

Hand painting #65

Hand painting #64

Congratulations @BoyWhoLovedBurgers

Congratulations @BoyWhoLovedBurgers

Hand painting #63