Shutting down @StakeHub validator because of operational costs.
Everyone that staked with us, please withdraw your $DESO and stake with alternative validators.
Thank you for your support!
‼️ Only 399 wallets are staking so far. This is a reminder for everyone who hasn't staked their $DESO yet.
To benefit from 20% APY, you can choose from many validators. For low fees and maximum uptime (which means increased profits), you may want to choose:

The StakeHub validator is now live!
Our aim is to be the most reliable validator with maximum uptime.
For increased transparency, we're developing a custom dashboard to display uptime and other insights like CPU and memory usage.
Stake your DeSo now and earn 20% APY at
P.S. You retain full custody of your staked DeSo. You can unstake at any time.