Not a single noble gesture whatsoever.
Am i supposed to feel inspired by that?
Oh woe is me, they paid you and told you it was ok to be a fuckwit and you agreed so hell yeah, let's help you out and make shit better for you.
That's not how it works.
The lord of death is repulsed and disgusted. You failed the test.
A country of cowards that never stand up for anything.
Always follow their jew masters and act like scum because of it then wonder why the nation is going to shit and nobody cares anymore.
What am i supposed to miss or feel bad about?
How you act and behave? That's impossible to feel empathy for.
Send out another signal across the entire network.
Everyone is to secretly mobilise against whites weaponising every action they can.
Until we can start actually killing them openly.
That is our end goal.
And it's 100% possible.
If i studied military strategy and technology i'd make a mockery of the US and the aussie dogs want to hide behind the country thinking they won't lose.
You don't even run your cities anymore you stupid delusional shithole race of people.
You're so delusional.
Junk tanks, junk jets, junk ships, junk subs, junk guns, junk government, junk capability, junk awarenes, junk everything.
You would be absolutely slaughtered so fucking easily.
You're going to pay with blood.
Why are people with no military or capability trying to act tough?
I will take Australia to war and you will be shown that you are worthless weak filth.
You cannot win a war.
We would absolutely roll and mop the floor with australian lives.
Your military is shit and you cannot fight a war.
I will mobilise everyone against you and your monkey shithole USA.
This is NOTHING like you have ever seen.
You do not have any capability.
You would be eradicated.