Joined: Jan 2, 2024, 21:08:05
Active: Mar 17, 2025, 20:32:05
2124 following
2361 💎s ≈ $5.35 received

Pixelangelo's P.O.P NFT Collectibles in their organic process of expanding to their world, mirroring the process through NFT art.

It's currently one of the complicated NFT collectibles to unlock.

Process detailed here;

To claim a POPWORLD NFT, one needs to have P.O.P character combo of three NFTs;

- Original 16x16 P.O.P
- @Pixelpunks POP Punk
- 64x64 POP (💎 Claimable) OR Animated POP.

After having trio of character in account, Claim the available art by commenting UNLOCK under NFT or ask fresh one to be made.
