In my first creative writing workshop ever I introduced myself & the prof said “Oh, based on your submission I thought you were a 40 year old man”
& that’s really need to know about me lol (I was 21)
boa noite from rio

If I’ve learned one thing in my late-ish twenties, it’s that idle moments shouldn’t always be spent trying to find something to do or running through the swirling list of concerns and plans and limerence in your head, one more time, forever.
Some of them should be spent, well, idling.
Since 1878, who has matched or bested Tolstoy with the best first sentences in novels?
Anna Karenina (translated) → “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way”
Gabriel García Márquez’s first sentence in Cien años de soledad makes my list too.
What makes yours?
also if u don't sub for our 18k+ person climate & energy tech newsletter u should do that too
u don't have to but it'd be cooler if u did
if u want to read some hairbrained flash fiction from time to time, sub here
starwolvez are ripping again for anyone who still hodls ;)
just bot some deso for the first time in a lonnnng time
feeling ~ tingly ~
& intuition is the greatest guide of all
staying up too late (once again) thinkin' about the dozen or so cornerstone global commodities without which most of society would fall apart within 3 hours
from a place of gratitude, not scarcity
happy new year fam
here's a blessing for the end of any day (or year)