Get Diamonds and become part of $FOCUS history. Let's try to get 100+ comments on one post.
Here's how it works:
- Repost this post so more users can see it.
- In the comments, complete this sentence: When I see a new $DEBEVIC post, I ______________ (fill in the blank).
- If we get under 100 comments, everyone gets a $0.05 Diamond Tip. Every comment under 100 gets $0.01 Diamond Tip.
- Only 1 comment per user.
- The challenge ends March 26 at 8pm UTC.
Free coin everyone! Not quite free. You do pay with your time and effort... 😉
*Free Money Update* Repost this!!*
$DEBEVIC Daily Update for Getting Tokens/Prizes for March 25
- Get your piece of up to $300 worth of $DEBEVIC up for grabs in the "Lock & Load." Only 2 days left!!! contest:
NFT creators competition- Sell on of your NFTs for up to 3 $DESO:
Participate in the $5 for $5 promotion:
Put your AI detecting skills to the ultimate test and win some Diamonds:
Get paid to comment. Invest 5 seconds and help make $FOCUS history:

Get Diamonds and become part of $FOCUS history. Let's try to get 100+ comments on one post.
Here's how it works:
- Repost this post so more users can see it.
- In the comments, complete this sentence: When I see a new $DEBEVIC post, I ______________ (fill in the blank).
- If we get under 100 comments, everyone gets a $0.05 Diamond Tip. Every comment under 100 gets $0.01 Diamond Tip.
- Only 1 comment per user.
- The challenge ends March 26 at 8pm UTC.
Get Diamonds and become part of $FOCUS history. Let's try to get 100+ comments on one post.
Here's how it works:
- Repost this post so more users can see it.
- In the comments, complete this sentence: When I see a new $DEBEVIC post, I ______________ (fill in the blank).
- If we get under 100 comments, everyone gets a $0.05 Diamond Tip. Every comment under 100 gets $0.01 Diamond Tip.
- Only 1 comment per user.
- The challenge ends March 26 at 8pm UTC.
$DEBEVIC wants to give some Diamonds Away!
How well do you know AI?
From the three images below, two are AI and one is a real woman. Answer correctly, repost, and comment and get Diamonds if you are correct.
This will run until March 23 at 6pm UTC

Attention NFT Creators
Let's have a fun competition that anyone can enter. I have a 3 $DESO budget to purchase an NFT. In the comments, post one of your best NFTs with a link to where it can be purchased. I will select my five favorites on March 27 at 8 pm UTC. Then we will let the community vote on which one I buy!
*Must repost this message and the NFT must be 3 $DESO or less.
Attention NFT Creators
Let's have a fun competition that anyone can enter. I have a 3 $DESO budget to purchase an NFT. In the comments, post one of your best NFTs with a link to where it can be purchased. I will select my five favorites on March 27 at 8 pm UTC. Then we will let the community vote on which one I buy!
*Must repost this message and the NFT must be 3 $DESO or less.
This is deep.....
So true.
When you hurt people with a good heart, you may not notice an immediate reaction. They won’t raise their voice, they won’t accuse you, and they won’t cause a scene. They will carry their pain in silence, remaining warm and compassionate, just as you’ve always known them. But deep down in their hearts, something changes. They begin to walk away, not out of revenge, but out of a clear acceptance of reality. Little by little, they create distance, leaving without dramatic goodbyes and without looking back. These are the people who trusted you completely and valued you sincerely. When their trust is betrayed, it doesn’t crumble suddenly; it gradually fades, leaving them with no choice but to protect their inner peace. They will remain kind and compassionate, but they will never look at you the same way again. Remember, the loss of a good soul is an irreversible loss. Appreciate them while they're there, because once they’re gone, they’re not coming back.
#loss #hurt #goodpeople #trusted #accuse #betrayed #acceptance #hearts #reality #dramatic #appreciate #wife #husband #partner #couple

Took the family out to the air show on Sunday. It was pretty cool! Kids enjoyed it. I enjoyed it.
Took a photo for @BKPOWER8

Cool NFT from @AtoZAI !!!
@lmeow found a couple of furries for you!

Here's another idea. Thoughts?