Hey DeSo fam β€οΈ
I know a lot of you are very disappointed and even angry with Nader's indictment and arrest. Some feel betrayed and few still feel loyal and that they stand with Nader no matter what.
I loved Bitclout and DeSo vision and as you know was always an avid supporter of DeSo at all events, seeing that Decentralized Social brings a huge difference to the world of algorithms bound by division and hate.
Here, on the contrary, you were always rewarded for being helpful, interesting, productive and caring.
And that's what made DeSo so different from any other social network we ever had or will have in the future.
This vision brought all of us together to the point where we spent months on end on the zoom call and meeting in person to share this vision and passion for a different world.
Some, of course, were here for the money and I would imagine they are more sad than others who were here for community and creators.
My hope is that there is a way that it will still be around even with the sad news of Nader's arrest.
I am.inviting each of you to participate in the next thing I am undertaking. I am writing a book about DeSo and our experiences here.
And I want to invite each of you to contribute to it, if it resonates with you.
You can chose your own narrative and your contribution can be as little as a paragraph or as large as a big chapter, it is entirely up to you.
I am gonna tag some people whose input I would love to hear specifically, and of course you can choose to write under a pseudonym if you wish to remain anonymous.
Please let me know if you would like to contribute and share your experiences. I love you all and always will, you are some of the most amazing human beings that I met in my life and n9thing will change that.
@Sandirose @darian_parrish @Krassenstein @alinaferry @WilliamLaurent @kitty4D @CloutWomenUnite @Goldberry @FedeDM @DeSocialWorld @1dolinski @MrTrip1et @ElrickErikose @brockpierson @wendyleigh @ClayPerryMusic @NirvanaHTX @MarkBentley @Thortorrens @StarGeezer @tobiasschmid @CassiusCuvee
I tagged some I could remember off the top of my head, feel free to spread the word and tag those you think may be interested.