The two biggest areas where the most engagement happens is the feed & trading experience which are being refined now.
- Better trading experience (real-time, faster AMMs, tons of bug fixes, etc)
- Better feed builder and customization, and introducing the feed store.
Ultimately this will have a huge impact on engagement and retention as this is where most users spend their time. It's a lot of complex infrastructure work though, so please be patient with us! Team is working super hard on it.
Even with BitClout's flaws, you could replay the same exact playbook with the only change being that there was an official off-ramp from the very beginning — and the entire history and narrative would've shifted.
It was definitely a painful lesson, but we learned from it, and built HeroSwap & Openfund as a result. Not to mention, we listed on Coinbase in less than a year (rare for a new L1).
It's much more strategic than you think, and it was 100% worth the time and investment. It's what made me realize just how deeply Nader understand crypto at its core.
The ability to go in and out, anonymously under ~30 seconds, from BTC, ETH & SOL (Layer-1) to FOCUS (DESO-Token), is a huge advantage for a growing ecosystem.
Even the majors don't have a great way to do this. I cannot easily go from ETH to WIF or from SOL to PEPE today. Even with the billions of dollars poured into crypto, this is still not really possible and a huge amount of friction in how liquidity moves between ecosystems.
And we've invested in infrastructure in a way that allows one to add more cross-chain currencies now, and any DESO Token. As volume and liquidity grows, that will dynamically improve spreads as well, with no additional work needed.
In addition, it can all just seamlessly flow together. A cross-chain swap can be used to drive trade activity on an on-chain DEX.
"Wait, are you telling me there's a possibility one day where I can go from ADA to CockyClout"? Yeah, that's exactly what I am saying.
All of this can be simply embedded with a single-line of code into any app. Apps that can be built with simple web2 languages, with API & indexers that we provide for FREE.
I know it doesn't seem like much, but even with very minimal social & economic activity on DeSo, simple apps like the Wallet and Diamond have done a few million dollars in volume.
Most outsiders still have no idea how to factor in this amount of value into DeSo's core offering, because they're out of the loop (people in crypto don't use crypto, remember? they stick to their bags), but at some point, probably best represented by the color green, they will have no choice but to pay attention AND to actually use it.
So what happens when:
• DeSo activity grows...
• More apps are being built...
• More apps are launching their own tokens...
• More apps embedding HeroSwap into their apps...
• More tokens are being listed in HeroSwap...
• More users can on/off ramp easily from other ecosystems...
• Openfund captures that trading activity on an orderbook that can basically drive liquidity from anywhere it wants to.
What happens, if it's not just apps, but tokens for anything tied to a social profile and on-chain reputation?
What happens when all of this activity is captured BOTH on a DEX and on-chain social apps? Where real users (not just wallet addresses) can seamlessly move between apps with their profile and content, via pre-funded wallets they can create in 30 seconds? Where you can make back a year's worth of gas fees with a single 1-level diamond tip?
You have now created two possible distribution channels for growth and building network efforts. Both money AND social. Something that has never been purposefully executed at scale before.
Is it a 100% possible outcome that it will succeed? Who knows! But after having gone through painful bridging, staking and unwrapping, experiences, annoying CEXs, and noisy siloed web2 apps (Twitter, Telegram, Discord) — I am willing to take a hard bet on it. My bet is that @nader will paint crypto's Mona Lisa.
However, it will be our little publicly available secret, that we've been shouting about, for now.
A full breakfast was enjoyed on our St. Patrick’s Day kickoff!

There were about 12 deer in this field, but the damn guard tail is hiding them…

Start a recession, create volatility, lower rates, get the FED to print more money.
It was always the plan.
I can’t fathom how anyone watches our country right now and isn’t shaken. American democracy stands on principles we’ve bled for: checks and balances to curb power, a free press to expose truth, free speech to protect us all. When leaders threaten critics with jail, smear the media, or trash the Constitution, it’s not just noise—it’s a gut punch to our foundation. We can’t look away.
Went for a 1 rep max bench of 170kg today and failed. So glad I tried though as now I know and I can plan accordingly to get there next time. The only real failure is not trying. Everything else is part of planning and a step towards achievement.
Peekaboo blues on the horizon! Happy Saturday…

The band rocked the house last night! What a unique venue to experience…