Reposting with link, Noravisionsolarmetaverse
NORAVISIONSOARMETAVERSE...towards 3 WEB, interlaced dreams and reality, Gesamtkunstwerk Arts, digital avatars...
From #2Dweb to #3DWeb, from #rêves to #reality, from #reality to #virtualreality, from #classicalarts to #digitalvirtualavatars, #technical and #emotional together building strong connections, #transparenttrade and #abundanceforcreators...
#technology #culture #digital
#virtualproduction #metaverse #metahumans #unrealengine
NORAVISIONSOARMETAVERSE...towards 3 WEB, interlaced dreams and reality, Gesamtkunstwerk Arts, digital avatars...
From #2Dweb to #3DWeb, from #rêves to #reality, from #reality to #virtualreality, from #classicalarts to #digitalvirtualavatars, #technical and #emotional together building strong connections, #transparenttrade and #abundanceforcreators...
#technology #culture #digital
#virtualproduction #metaverse #metahumans #unrealengine
Thank you for yours!!🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸❤️

Keep on selling my coin, I'll keep on picking flowers
(@normadesaintpicman thanks 4 your support!)

So great, thankful @adilo to participate!!,@lynndelarosa @Artofleander @CryptoCard @Cryptolien_TCG @finn_hartmann @Longo @Longo @Sabira @AfricuzPhotography @ meinphotojournal @Ghozt @BitCloutCoinMaster @Milionairedad

I just finished the showcase page with all the NFT artists and NFT artpieces on !!
Featuring: @lynndelarosa @Artofleander @CryptoCards @Cryptolien_TCG @normadesaintpicman @finn_hartmann @Longo @Sabira @AfricuzPhotography @meinfotojournal @Ghozt @BitCloutCoinMaster @Millionairedad
More info about the artists here:
“Paon Albino, Île de Bercy…”, Hommage à
Digital print after oil painting on solar panel is on auction till Monday 9th of August
A3 , certified print on Vélin d’Arches 300g,
starting price 300$
Increments 25 $
Bid in comment or DM

"Sleeping Beauty - La belle au bois dormant"
, Cairo
After my annual #WEF20 event in Cairo, created in lockdown;
collage created in 2007

Combined NFT 1/1,#SanctusdeiGDW8/3/2021
Hommage to @Krassenstein, thank you for kind words

Sanctus Dei, Gold Diamond World,
Variant 8/3/2021
La fée des rivières, #riverfairy, #normandesaintpicman , #phantasyseries #nft #kitchandbeauty #love #art #arttokenized #artinvestment

"Les fleurs du Mal", collage, gold,objects, digital print on the canvas, after oil painting from 1890, along with showcase of NFC certification in 2019, Noravision, collaboration with Joshua Anthony, Camille Harang (
"Je suis belle, ô mortels! comme un rêve de..

with bidding of this NFT you are contributing to the project of circular economy,using unfunctional solar panels as paintings, placed in public spaces - metros, airports, tunnels, offices...
Actually finishing 40 th from envisioned first 100;thank you!!

"Hommage a Kobe Bryant"...
Drawing, Collage or other Work on Paper
Indian ink drawing on paper, acrylic
Drawing / Figurative Art / Watercolor, Acrylic, pen drawing
26 7/10 × 19 1/10 in
67.8 × 48.5 cm

Hommage a Kobe Bryant, "Watching it unfold from Europe, I lived January 28, 2020 as dramatically as most of you: I was deeply moved by such a sudden lost of people who seemed to have it all and so much to share..", #bervannfoundation #normadesaintpicman
"Watching it unfold from Europe, I lived January 28, 2020 as dramatically as most of you: the loving image of Gigi Bryant in the arms of her father KOBE BRYANT had me heartbroken. I was deeply moved by such a sudden lost of people who seemed to have it all and so much to share..

#ArtesDei project,#nomadesaintpicman
#FestivalLjubljana,oil paintings on solar panels, Luce dell'eterno, Dante Alighieri, performance

Click this link and retweet it right meow and #recloutme! It’s called a @CloutBomb. We can use our social media currency to retweet the same post collectively to promote #nfts and bring more attention to the #bitcloutcommunity and #goviralonbitclout
Sanctus Dei Slovenia 1/1

Sanctus Dei Slovenia linking diverse my creations respectfully to the Golden Diamond World as Digital Art (2010-2019) Certified by Verisart connected to Leonardo da Vinci 180 countries as 1/1 NFT
Hello take a look at variant of Sanctus Dei series...

From the “Garden of Eden” series,
“A roe deer in my garden”, painting on solar panel, 164x100x4 cm, May 2021, oil and laque...
From gestual to the expressive, from mimetic to the abstract...