To all the Creator Coin Holders (CCv1) of this account. It's @JohnJardin here 👋🙂:
Due to the lack of backward compatibility between CCv1 and CCv2, I've migrated all CC holders to @BountyCoin. I did this by taking a snapshot of your holding's current market value and cashing out whatever funds I had in the CC that were used to prevent rug-pulling. This gave me most of the cashflow I would need to purchase $BountyCoin and distribute the coins based on your current % Ownership of this account's CC.
Please understand something: The market value will always show more than what you would get if you cashed out to $DESO. If the market value for your CC holdings were $22, your actual cashout value would be around $20. So yes, you're getting out more from this migration 👍. Actually, quite a bit more. You're welcome 😎.
This was the best way I could provide a win for you and an exit strategy for the current Creator Coins you own. With Focus launched and CCv2 live and doing well, you would be missing out by currently holding CCv1 for this project.
Do yourself a favor as well, and go and see @BountyCoin's profile. It is an exciting project on Focus, indirectly linked to this and other projects I manage.
Please let me know if you have any questions or grievances. I promise to reply to everyone.
Finally, if you're not on Focus yet but want to join, use my invite link below. There's actually a strategic benefit to signing up to Focus with my referral link, but more on that in due time.
Invite Link:
Thank you all in advance for your patience and understanding 🙏 - @JohnJardin.
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@Sweetlakecity @That70sRobot @Ugottalovit @Moggel @Homey @Taeo777 @Silto_Nascao @Twinstars @The_Influ3nce @Bhagyasri @mobitoro @KTULL01 @MANRIKPHOTO @SeWiJuGA @PurpleVan9 @Peeboy17 @Exotica_SnB @ElrickErikose @Mjlmichael @Randhir @a_bloke @gabrielist @CE79 @BKPOWER8 @mousai @TheDJL @BrianDrever @Kaanha @pablocieslik @PremierNS @PaulMoonPhotos @PickleballCoin @AltumBase @tobiasschmid @0xBen_ @TastyDragons @ReihanRei @3projh @Pickleballb @mcmarsh @ZORAN @Krassenstein @rolanseyidov @UniversalMuslimWelSociety @MrEdit @emptyset @CapitalVault @SlaterHoldings @ARTIFICIALnews @hinsightprophet @FoxOwl @mynamewastaken
Here's a quick update on the EchoDeSo Incentive: We still have one day and are nine subscribers away from reaching the first milestone to pay out $5 of EchoDeso Creator Coin.
We started this incentive with six subscribers and are currently on 21 💪. Remember, there's a bonus incentive if we reach 50 subscribers. Good luck, everyone 😎 - @JohnJardin.
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@CivilEngineer @TheDJL @KTULL01 @Ugottalovit @BrianDrever @ArnoudvanderPlas @Octavie @Investwithmeanniec @CassiusCuvee @PremierNS @Bendunbar79 @maximumEV @AltumBase @tobiasschmid @Taeo_RestoraFoods @SeWiJuGA @HeavenlyPigeon @0xBenE @Pickleballb @DragonUniverse @mcmarsh @DiamondVC @Coast2888 @firedream @MANRIKPHOTO @Omnifrog @PickleballCoin @3projh @That70sRobot @BigMikeR35 @Mher @RealMcoin @FocusLife @Krassenstein @SOCofDC @Cryptidiot @DESOop @Akugre @FoxOwl @Tammy1991 @hinsightprophet @Taiwanese @rolanseyidov @SCRaTCHoFF @Pineapple_OG @UniversalMuslimWelSociety @pablocieslik @maeseow @PhotographersCorner @PurpleVan9 @MrEdit @emptyset @FocusToken @DeSoOps @speakingLight @MrTrip1et
It's time to schedule the 2nd EchoDeSo incentive of earning Creator Coins, which is to get some subscribers for the EchoDeSo YouTube channel.
Currently, there are six subscribers to the YouTube channel (
If we can get the subscriber count to 30 by Friday, I will distribute $5 of the $EchoDeSo Creator Coin to all $EchoDeSo Creator Coin Holders. The distribution will be shared equally, regardless of the amount of Creator Coin you hold (Note that this will not always be the case).
BONUS: If we reach 50 subscribers, I will double the Creator Coin distribution to $10 💪.
All you need to do is click the link below and subscribe to the YouTube channel. That's it 😎:
Thank you to everyone willing to support this project and help get it monetized. Remember, if you want to earn revenue from this and other projects, be sure to join the John Jardin DAO Club by clicking on the link below:
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Done. Subscribed