Another OG who has been here since Apr 25, 2021 capitulates...
I will still use @paulmp account for any future @deso app to showcase user media gallery 👍
Check how it should look on any @deso app from day 1
I think I'm about done with Bitclout / DeSo / Focus... I keep giving it chances, but honestly unless you are a hard core crypto enthusiast (which I'm not), there is really nothing on offer here... I post regularly on my other social media, so you can find me there.
If you're into actually earning money for good content I suggest you check out HIVE (I use as an interface for that), I regularly earn quite good money for my content there... as opposed to barely getting 1c per post here, despite the many promises made. It seems if you don't post content about crypto or deso, then you are ignored.
As much as I would like to see this all succeed, I can't really split my efforts as much as I have been, so I'm dropping a few platforms, this one included. I may lurk from time to time, but after more than 4 years on here, it just doesn't seem to be worth my time or effort.

Starting in 30 mins ❤️
Wanna hear the voice behind the posts?
I'll be hosting WHALE Hour on the Whale Members Discord later tonight:
For those of you who might be unfamiliar with some of the projects I've founded, Whale Members is the largest community owned NFT collection with a focus on high-end digital art, metaverse real estate and other digital collectibles.
The latest valuation of these assets was conservatively estimated at $43.6 million:
$WHALE was the OG social token (i've been in the space a while) and has moved on to now representing ownership of the assets in the WHALE Vault.
We'll be going live at 9pm (+8 GMT) so if you're interested, feel free to drop by. Will probably be talking about some DESO and Focus in addition to a quick recap on the project as well as where we are headed ❤️
I think I'm about done with Bitclout / DeSo / Focus... I keep giving it chances, but honestly unless you are a hard core crypto enthusiast (which I'm not), there is really nothing on offer here... I post regularly on my other social media, so you can find me there.
If you're into actually earning money for good content I suggest you check out HIVE (I use as an interface for that), I regularly earn quite good money for my content there... as opposed to barely getting 1c per post here, despite the many promises made. It seems if you don't post content about crypto or deso, then you are ignored.
As much as I would like to see this all succeed, I can't really split my efforts as much as I have been, so I'm dropping a few platforms, this one included. I may lurk from time to time, but after more than 4 years on here, it just doesn't seem to be worth my time or effort.

It's Wednesday my dudes!
Moon and Fire
Thanks @NFTLegacy for buying this cool NFT at @NFTz auction 👍Sent you $brootle coins matching what you paid for it.
People if you want to get $brootle coins for free, go buy NFTs that are for sale via @BrootleNonFungible account. There are 3 available at the moment, see
What is the best AI to generate original art? I was fighting with ChatGTP for a while so it could finally create something more or less close to what I wanted.

Dear WHALE Members,
We are happy to announce that the latest revision of the
📜WHALE Whitepaper (version 5)
has been drafted and confirmed by the WHALE Council.
Notable changes are:
1, Mission Statement wording
2, Addition of Core Values
3, Addition of History
4, Update of 70-30 split on reinvestment vs. WHALE buyback
5, Updating of all live links
6, Updating on WHALE DAO Governance structures
7, Notation on iterative processing for whitepaper management
8, Language has been toned down for more objective reading
What does not change are:
1, Tokenomics
2, $WHALE utility
3, Our dedication towards a transparent, equitable and community driven future
While the recent move to a multisig wallet and the decentralization-of-everything related to WHALE does indeed provide a key improvement to the nature of the token, please do your own research (DYOR) and do your own DD (DYODD).
The updated WHALE Whitepaper can be found here:
Currently the team is working on putting the Whitepaper on-chain (as was done with the Charters for the Council and the DAO), and future changes to the Whitepaper will require supermajority consensus from both WHALE DAO and WHALE Council members.
As the space evolves, changes to how the project needs to remain culturally relevant, operationally efficient and profitable will undoubtedly arrive. This means that the Whitepaper will need annual/ bi-annual updates with the blessing of WHALE Members. We expect an iterative process driven by community discussion, debate and consensus.
Items that should never change are the tokenomics of the project and the core values that WHALE Members represent as an industry thought and collection leader.

This is a good one, watch the teaser on Focus then join us later on discord
come chat live later today as we host WHALE HOUR
(🔊 sound on)
👀 Good morning deso.
I'm hungry.
Wanna hear the voice behind the posts?
I'll be hosting WHALE Hour on the Whale Members Discord later tonight:
For those of you who might be unfamiliar with some of the projects I've founded, Whale Members is the largest community owned NFT collection with a focus on high-end digital art, metaverse real estate and other digital collectibles.
The latest valuation of these assets was conservatively estimated at $43.6 million:
$WHALE was the OG social token (i've been in the space a while) and has moved on to now representing ownership of the assets in the WHALE Vault.
We'll be going live at 9pm (+8 GMT) so if you're interested, feel free to drop by. Will probably be talking about some DESO and Focus in addition to a quick recap on the project as well as where we are headed ❤️
Busy day today with two BOD meetings and a monthly WHALE Hour session coming up.
While I can't bring ya'll to the board meetings, feel free to swing by WHALE Hour happening in about 4 hours.
Details on where to join are in my timeline <3
Last post from @nader 🪦
Slowly, slowly, then suddenly all at once.