New music project I'm working on. I guess I should have used the soundcloud embed thing...
Focus is key.
Focus is key.
Been trying to learn some jazzy chord voicings recently. Might have a jazz album dropping soon lol
If I really like the aesthetic and style of the Ip Man movie series (50's and 60's retro, very tasteful, excellent actors), what other movies might I like (does not have to involve martial arts and language does not matter)?
"The man who comes back through the Door will never be quite the same as the man who went out. He will be wiser but less cocksure, happpier but less self-satisfied, humbler in acknowledging his ignorance yet better equipped to understand the relationship of systematic reasoning to the unfathomable Mystery which it tries, forever vainly, to comprehend."
This weekend, I finally got around to reading The Doors of Perception (Aldous Huxley). It's one of those books I've always felt - insecurely - that I should have read by now. I'm actually glad, however, that I didn't try to read this when I was much younger, before having any exposure to or understanding of Eastern religion. I would have been far more confused than illuminated. In any case, I thought it was amazing, and I would highly recommend it!
Are there any good existing apps that let you have a voice chat with ChatGPT? I want to use it as a conversational partner in a langauge I'm trying to learn but I can't find any good voice + text to speech interfaces...
This weekend, I finally got around to reading The Doors of Perception (Aldous Huxley). It's one of those books I've always felt - insecurely - that I should have read by now. I'm actually glad, however, that I didn't try to read this when I was much younger, before having any exposure to or understanding of Eastern religion. I would have been far more confused than illuminated. In any case, I thought it was amazing, and I would highly recommend it!
@AlexToma this should be fixed now if pulling the latest. Thanks for the report!
some issue with the react-deso-protocol package
I tried installing it a bunch of different ways after first getting the error
this could easily be an issue on my end or something I'm missing. I'm semi-new to programming

Maybe I misunderstand the "AI alignment problem," but humans aren't even generally aligned amongst themselves and there is no horizon you can look toward where they ever will be. It is a problem with no real solution (unless you count war, police, force generally). We can certainly design AI to conform to certain values, but those values will never be universally understood as "aligned." This is why people call ChatGPT "woke." It is aligned to a certain ideology, but you can't make everyone happy. It does seem like making it "safe" is pretty feasible, it's just that people don't even want safe AI. People want raw, powerful, maybe even deadly AI. Alignment will never be "solved" imo.