What are all to the best DISCORDS and TELEGRAM chats for DESO?? (post links in the comments)
Working on an amazing NFT collection…wait for it 😁😁😁
Just got shadow banned on my Instagram story for trying to share my song Maxwell Frith - “Seems”
I get it.. the video content is 18+
But it’s crazy so many girls posting their soft core porn all over Instagram and my content gets blocked…smfh
Real grateful for DeSo in moments like these..
Would we even be here if it wasn’t for the Plandemic?? 🤔🤔🤔🤔 #web3
Forever thankful for you putting me unto this app!! 🚀🚀🚀
DESO is a second chance at Social Media.
I have so many views and perspectives that I no longer feel comfortable to share on other social media platforms..$DESO protocol was a no brainer for me…I no longer have to worry about being shadow banned for sharing my views…we’ve been so focused on the rise and growth of this decentralized platform..but now I want to just start enjoying the tech for why it was made…hopefully you will appreciate my expressions
We made it to Coinbase!!! #DeSo #MamaWeMadeIt

Been a while, decided to check in on Clubhouse and folks are voting for community reps for the deso project.. >>> @DeSoCommunityReps
I understand now what happened while I was away…Bitclout is finally tryna get in the big major leagues …DIAMOND HANDS has officially revealed himself decrypt.co/81380/bitclout-deso-blockchain-diamondhands