Here’s some Big Beak Energy for all you whales and future-whales.
I’ve been enjoying doing new designs with slightly different themes. Adding a little spice to my usual vaporwave repertoire. Hope you all like it and it gives you a bit of joy on this Tuesday evening.
Sending you all the dopest vibes! Keep it crispy, my baleen-having brethren 🐋
This one will be offered as an #NFT as part of the Cloutted Creatures series.

Cloutted Creature #7
“Raccoon Vibes”

Cloutted Creature #10
"Space Opossum"
Auction includes art + the original post

Here’s some Big Beak Energy for all you whales and future-whales.
I’ve been enjoying doing new designs with slightly different themes. Adding a little spice to my usual vaporwave repertoire. Hope you all like it and it gives you a bit of joy on this Tuesday evening.
Sending you all the dopest vibes! Keep it crispy, my baleen-having brethren 🐋
This one will be offered as an #NFT as part of the Cloutted Creatures series.

Howdy whales 🐋 I’m officially announcing the Cloutted Creature series. It’s a set of 15 collectible creatures that scale up and down in rarity. Each comes with my original post and a link to the encrypted source files in Arweave on request.
I’ll release these in reverse order so:
#10 1-of-1 - Space Opossum
#9 1-of-1 - Trans-Dimensional Space Sloth
#8 1-of-1 - Planetary Elk
#7 1-of-1 - Raccoon Vibes
#6 set of 2 - Vaporwave Buzz
#5 set of 3 - Space Buns
#4 set of 2 Anteater Skies
#3 set of 2 Ape Energy
#2 1-of-1 First Flight
#1 1-of-1 Cloutty The Hedgehog
When all auctions close, Ostrich (#13), Beetle (#14) and Llama (#15) will be given for free to 3 people that bid on a Cloutted Creature but didn’t win - randomly chosen from the second-to-last bids on all creatures.
#10 now available:

Here’s some Big Beak Energy for all you whales and future-whales.
I’ve been enjoying doing new designs with slightly different themes. Adding a little spice to my usual vaporwave repertoire. Hope you all like it and it gives you a bit of joy on this Tuesday evening.
Sending you all the dopest vibes! Keep it crispy, my baleen-having brethren 🐋
This one will be offered as an #NFT as part of the Cloutted Creatures series.

🌊 It has started! 🌊 I’m polishing up the Cloutted Creature #nft series and will have it ready for release shortly!
It’s 14 creatures. A few will be saved for giveaways and promotions so I expect to have 10 auctionable pieces - very small series (leaning towards 1-of-1s). Each will come with the original post, a higher def video and the original image file. You will also get special access to future auctions if you own one of the original series.
As a test, I minted one of my recent designs as a series of 10 - since this was a test I’ll burn any that aren’t sold. Good chance to get a #01 on the cheap before the official launch 🚀 you can find it here:
Sending lots of love to you all! This is an exciting day and marks a huge step forward as creators on BitClout.

Here’s some Big Beak Energy for all you whales and future-whales.
I’ve been enjoying doing new designs with slightly different themes. Adding a little spice to my usual vaporwave repertoire. Hope you all like it and it gives you a bit of joy on this Tuesday evening.
Sending you all the dopest vibes! Keep it crispy, my baleen-having brethren 🐋
This one will be offered as an #NFT as part of the Cloutted Creatures series.

Here's the AI slowly processing her face and interpreting it into the landscape.
It was tough to get this right, it took several tries before it came up with something that looked right for this design.

Here it is, folks - my entry for the @arttank contest.
The background is an AI generated landscape created using @maebeam 's face as an input. The central image is made running her face through a signal/noise generator tool.
I'll reclout this with a gif showing the process.

Here it is, folks - my entry for the @arttank contest.
The background is an AI generated landscape created using @maebeam 's face as an input. The central image is made running her face through a signal/noise generator tool.
I'll reclout this with a gif showing the process.

Another shot of the finished product. Look at those adorable little bunny ear horns. Love this specimen!
Materials: beetle, quartz, adhesive

One more day and one more sculpture to share with you all.
This unique little bug had a little bunny ear horn formation and a damaged thorax/abdomen that left a perfect spot for a beautiful quartz formation.
Happy Friday you amazing cloutters, clouttees and cloutted!

One more day and one more sculpture to share with you all.
This unique little bug had a little bunny ear horn formation and a damaged thorax/abdomen that left a perfect spot for a beautiful quartz formation.
Happy Friday you amazing cloutters, clouttees and cloutted!

“Bzzz bzz bz bzzzz” - 🐝
Translation: “Dope vibes bring you a dope life just as a dope life brings you dope vibes”
Today’s vaporwave features the very dope bumblebee - scientific name: Bombus - pollinator of flowers and clearly the cutest of the hymenopterans.
I hope this little bumble-bro brings you a bit of enjoyment on this lovely Thursday.