Joined: Jul 10, 2022, 13:50:25
Active: Jan 13, 2025, 19:46:51
2092 following
532 💎s ≈ $1.96 received

A laid back club of @Deso members

@vibehut : vibehut.io/desoclublounge

telegram: DesoClub

Join or don't we are relaxed about it!

If the profile gathers money it will be equally shared among all members of the club, if not it is OK!
We do not care! 🧡🥳

We invest in @nodebitsdao and @DeSocialWorldValidator revenue from investments will be fairy but unregularly distributed.🥳
If all work goes above expectations we will go and run our own validator node with future members of the @desoclublounge

5% of revenue will stay in liquid $deso for usage as the majority of the group sees fit.

Civil discourse
Making fun

* #NFT exibitions
* Music exibitions
* connecting
* more.....

1. be civil
2. greet people
3. be supportive if you can
4. no politics
5. no religious discussions (religion may be mentioned🥳)
6. creative cooperation is appriciated
7. keep business dealings to a minimum
8. enjoy social interactions
9. optional use of the @vibehut group
10. forgive
11. be gentle if possible
12. give constructive feedback
13. If critical, be civil and take note of both sides of a story
