We have built quite a lot in last few years and months. We thought it was time for a features page and bring it all together.
It will show you what we have and what you can unlock with $NFTzToken and verification levels. All is clickable and will show you more info or Use links to start using it. It's just a start, but might help you find your way.
Idea is that it informs you and helps you at the same time. We will be adding some videos and more help documentation.
We also have this $NFTzToken brochure linked https://bitcloutweb.azureedge.net/public/nftztoken/NFTzToken%20Brochure.pdf
Made it over to NFTz to accept my first NFT from $WhaleDShark for locking 50 of his coins.
The site is dope, what should I know about it as a noob?
Just bought 250+ $NFTzToken tokens as a token appreciation for the cool site.