@Demarie, you even met @nader & broke bread with the man at the LA @DeSoNniversary & with @AlexValaitis too! @Sandirose was there also & supports DeSo daily as well!
To ALL DeSonians:
Let's get the hashtags #verifydemarie & #verifysandirose 🔥LIT🔥 to the DeSo core team, Fam!!!!!
👉 Don't just repost this!
✅ We need to get the # & @ to The Core Team in a constant stream of NEW tags in NEW posts made by Everybody...
= ALWAYS put a Message in Re-Posts.
Quote in a NEW Message on the repost of this & other posts you see, & ADD the #hashtags & Tag Nader & Alex in it too...&
= Keep do it *until* they get Verified!
New posts & Quote-Reposts will Activate a New message to them and get the Hashtags to # 1 with the @Krassenstein bros' Daily Newsletter too.
Tagging 5 for help @StarGeezer @Designsta @CloutWomenUnite @Matreshka @mashelenn
Posted via @cloutfeed
I believe it is long over due as well. Especially for the amount of time we put into DeSo! @nader
yo dude, have you been to a @tropix event? its off the hook!
Celebrate the @Deso BDAY with this unique 1/1 metaverse Avatar of the Deso Logo. .gltf file type
The Official 2022 @DesoNniversary POAP,
Created By @XTincT
Don't forget about @XTincT
I am so pumped and I just came up with this crazy idea...
But I need your help.
If you have never been on Mousai.stream, it's the home of some of your favorite DeSo music artists, vloggers and podcasts. You hear them on Music Monday's with @MissKatiann and @MechellLord. You've seen them perform at the meetups and @DeSoNniversary in LA.
But do you follow them?
I'm asking you to use this referral link to get $2 when you sign up and diamond 1 artist. I'm looking for 100 people or more to come and use this referral link, claim your money and diamond all the great talent here. Make sure you follow them...
I want to see 100 followers per artist or more.
Drop some diamonds. And when the dust settle at the end of the week on Sunday, the profile that dropped the most diamonds will be awarded 6 Diamonds by me personally. I get money from the referral too, and will spend it all on the winner.
@marlonjm2k won't know about this until he wakes up.
Please support all these creators with you love and FOLLOWS.
2nd and 3rd place diamonders will get 4 diamonds
Tag me in posts to get 2 diamonds or more.
Share this on Facebook, Twitter, and Beyond.
Let's show our DeSo creators that we are one family.
The goal is bringing a lot of followers to @mousai artists.
Good Luck and thank you in advance for your continued support to make DeSo the best Social media platform ever.
@mp3 (Sly Disciple)
@DOZ (Mr. Dozier)

number 26 and 27 have matching tattoos, who on the desonniversary list would like these?
deso dude #26 and I got matching tattoos
Celebrate the @Deso BDAY with this unique 1/1 metaverse Avatar of the Deso Logo. .gltf file type
The Official 2022 @DesoNniversary POAP,
Created By @XTincT
If you attended the desonniversary and signed up for Deso, for the first time that day please dm us your deso "@" and the person that invited you <3 or if you onboarded new Desonians please dm us your guest Deso "@"
Lastly if you attended the virtual gathering on connect.club and didnt get a chance to sign the form, please dm us also.
@Deso_Dudes POAPS by @XTincT dropping soon
POAP by @XTincT is dropping this weekend <3
@DeSoNniversary deso dudes/dudets POAPs are heading your way this weekend <3
Thank you all who attended in person and virtually to celebrate
You can use your Deso Dude/Dudet as an avatar in the metaverse. GLTF 3d file type.
Created with love by @XTincT
The highly anticipated DeSoNniversary highlights video is here!
Enjoy and huge thanks to @MrTrip1et
Posted via @cloutfeed

💎 league

it's a hodge-podge, i didn't try to nail the editing cause it's just so much stuff, with like new stuff in the beginning cause the original idea was to make a video of that white claw can taking off w/ @ChaseSteely there.
@nader @WilliamLaurent @AlexValaitis @HighKey @Matreshka @Sandirose @Krassenstein @4down @darian_parrish @salilsethi @MarioNawfal and many more.
the end is important. let's think of all our Ukrainian friends who may not be able to be here <3
hope u enjoy, at least the idea of it lol