The first 100 Cranues illustrations will be updated and minted on DeSo, but they will not be transferred. The owners of the original version are recognized as the rightful owners of the update.
If you own one of the first 100, your Cranue has evolved along with my art.

#199 Airglide Tribe of Cranues

#58 Fluxarian Tribe of Cranues
Female Farmers – Guardians of balance between nature and the tribe.

#09 The Cranues Whale Tribe – Guardians of Satoshi’s Legacy

#198 Airglide Tribe of Cranues

#057 Fluxarian Tribe of Cranues
Queen of Fluxaria – Wise and relentless, protector of the secrets of the living rock.

#08 The Cranues Whale Tribe – Guardians of Satoshi’s Legacy

#197 Airglide Tribe of Cranues

#56 Fluxarian Tribe of Cranues
Wealthy Male Citizens – Men of influence in Fluxaria’s hidden economy.

#07 The Cranues Whale Tribe – Guardians of Satoshi’s Legacy

#196 Airglide Tribe of Cranues