I would suggest to have it👇
AIrdrops inbound

Hello everyone!
Some important news:
I regret to inform you that due to a massive increase in innovation on the DeSo blockchain, we will not be building a layer-2, any bridges, or a points system on DeSo.
We’re also deeply disappointed to say that gas-fees on DeSo will not be rising beyond 1/10,000th of a penny, and unfortunately due to our upcoming Revolution PoS merge, all transactions will now have to be completed in just under a second.
Instead, DeSo will now shift its focus towards building and enabling highly functional crypto-native consumer and social applications, where everything lives on-chain and is self-custody.
However, it is also sad to say that if you do engage on-chain, there’s a strong possibility that you might even earn some money. 💎
Please bear with us, as we carefully navigate this upcoming bull market.
PS - Due to the recent increase in BTC which severely impacted the DeSo treasury, I regret to say that news like this will be common for at least the next ~20+ years.
I'm not necessarily sure that I agree with @mubashariqbal on "core team wants to build everything themselves".
Developers mainly care about 4 things:
1) Funding, which is the reason we built Openfund
2) Tooling, which we spent a lot of time building this year and last
3) Users, which is why we're prioritizing a consumer app
4) Use-cases, which DeSo now offers plenty after core-protocol improvements
The only thing remaining is good education and documentation, which is on our priority list and I commented on here:
And I've covered more extensibly here:
Also everything we launched this year were also Octane-funded projects that didn't quite make any impact:
1) DeSo Block Explorer (solves for absence of @OpenProsper)
2) DeSo Wallet (solves for absence of @Wollo)
3) DeSo Chat Protocol (solves for absence of @desomessenger)
There's tons of things to build on DeSo, especially now that you don't have to worry about the middle-layer as much and can focus better on the app-layer, given our investment in infra & tooling. And also it's what everyone in the industry is craving (more apps, less middle-layer and toy-apps).
However, it requires ambition and dedication, especially if you want to go from zero-to-one. This is not something core-team can solve for anyone. You have to be very mission-aligned and must love taking risks to succeed on any new protocol. @BenErsing shared thoughts on here previously about whether anyone in the current community will be able to take DeSo from 0-1 besides core.
In terms of communication, I think you just have to solve all of the above first, and since many still probably hold $DESO, I think that's a good enough alignment incentive to get developers building on DeSo again.
With that being said, the shared focus should be on growing the pie, that includes developers and we expect to see a dramatic rise in the number of developers (new or old) building on top of DeSo given the low-barrier to entry and everything we've prioritized thus far.
Excited to share the Developer Experience strategy doc.
This is a high-level view that covers:
• What the overall problem is?
• Which developer audience we're focused on?
• What's the ideal state?
• How do we iterate toward the ideal state? (sequencing)
• Examples for phase 1 iterations
• Action items for phase 1
This initiative will ultimately help position DeSo as a top Layer-1 for engineers to build on. It will also help unblock conversations with partners from larger organization, eng teams at companies like Reddit, Meta, Snapchat, Google, etc. as they generally have much higher expectations when integrating with serious development partners.
Feel free to leave feedback on-chain in the comments below :)

I encourage patience right now.
I suggest reviewing this, which is in a previous blog post written to address concerns about CCV2.
