I hear Bill DiBlasio teaches ant Ivy League schools now after an important NYC mandate and then retiring. Which school?

I am obviously biased but not only is $Ribbitz the cutest Frog but he's also got his friend with him there and of course, the $Ribbitz Tokens that come with all $Ribbitz NFTs (80-100% value at this time) makes it the best choice for sure.
Vote for your favorite NFT (I mean Ribbitz of course).
Vote for your favorite NFT
I have narrowed down the NFT entrants to five. Please vote for which one you think I should buy.
Votes, comments, and reposts get diamonds. Voting ends on April 1 at 8pm UTC.

Less than 18 hours to go for the "Launch of the Year". Any guesses?
Go check it out and place your pre-sale orders.
Focus on the people not the numbers.. ❤️
I listen to Britney's biography and think how helpless famous people can be. I actually always sympathized with her, but I didn't know what a bastard Justin is. A talented musician tho. but their story will be in my head now when I listen his songs.
Grindest King 🎶
There can be only one true livin #NFT grandmaster and legend per chain. After this, you can supposely tell who wields the artest saber.
Bow to your king or show me your skillz. Noobs.
What is this beauty growing in my yard?
While I was in tne nature, nature came to my hut, this time in a form of bird 🐦⬛
Vote for your favorite NFT
I have narrowed down the NFT entrants to five. Please vote for which one you think I should buy.
Votes, comments, and reposts get diamonds. Voting ends on April 1 at 8pm UTC.

First appeared in 2012 as a graffiti persona by @becopro on the streets of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Now appearing on the $DeSo blockchain.
Collection includes - 500 $DeSoGhostS
346 Common (1.00 DeSo)
115 Rare (1.50 DeSo)
24 Epic (2.00 DeSo)
12 Legendary (5.00 DeSo)
3 Mythical (10.00 DeSo)
Ghosts appear randomly, auctions close just as randomly as the ghosts appear!
* Telegram DeSoGhost Community: t.me/+UjvGrGA-Ia40YjIx
* DeSoGhost's Mansion metaverse:
* MARKETPLACE: desoghost.nftz.me