There were too many entries and making a video would have taken too long. Therefore, I'm giving everyone who participated a $0.25 Diamond Tip. We got a lot more participation than I anticipated. Thank you!
Earn Diamonds & Have Some St. Patrick's Day Fun
Let's create a St. Patty's Day Collage of how the $Debevic community celebrates St. Patrick's day.
How It Works:
- Repost this post
- Put a picture in the comments of how you see St. Patrick's day. Maybe it's green food, beer, wearing green, or corned beef and cabbage. It can be funny or serious. Anything that you associate with St. Patricks Day.
- I will create a collage and post a link to it on this post. If you have submitted a photo and repost and comment on the collage post, you will get $0.01 Diamonds for submitting a pic and $0.25 Diamonds for viewing the show.
- One entry per person.
Let's try to get as many people involved so that we can build a massive collage and distribute a lot of Diamonds.
Vote for your favorite Mad Lib Contest Winner!!!
Vote goes until March 19 at 8pm UTC.
Mad Lib #1
Yesterday, I tried to dance my spaceship, but it was stuck in a gigantic transaction. I was so frustrated that I threw my sushi at the screen for the 42nd time, just like Elon Musk. Luckily, my Bitcoin wallet was still intact and I was able to jump some more coins to make up for the loss. Now, I’m feeling spooky and ready to take on the treasure chest market again. Who needs a haunted house when you have Ethereum and a glowing sense of humor?
Mad Lib #2
Yesterday, I tried to twerk my toaster, but it was stuck in a fluffy transaction. I was so frustrated that I threw my spaghetti tacos at the screen for the 420th time, just like Danny Devito. Luckily, my Dogecoin wallet was still intact and I was able to moonwalk some more coins to make up for the loss. Now I’m feeling sweaty and ready to take on the lawn gnome market again. Who needs a bath tub when you have Shiba Inu and a sassy sense of humor?
Mad Lib #3
Yesterday, I tried to skip my balloon, but it was stuck in a silly transaction. I was so frustrated that I threw my cupcakes at the screen for the 333rd time, just like Albert Einstein. Luckily, my Deso wallet was still intact and I was able to whistle some more coins to make up for the loss. Now I’m feeling bouncy, and ready to take on the twin bed market again. Who needs a penguin when you have Bitcoin and a whimsical sense of humor?
$thesarcasm @Draftsman @Lumora
🔥 Sunday Caption Challenge 🔥
1️⃣ Drop a killer caption for this 👇 in the comments of the OG post
2️⃣ Share this post with your crew
3️⃣ Smash that like button ❤️
4️⃣ The caption with the most likes wins $1 in 💎
#CaptionContest #SundayVibes #WinBig

$DEBEVIC is giving away $20 in prizes for this weekend's "Good Vibes Contest"
Let's spread positive energy out in the $Focus universe.
Here's how it works:
- Repost this post so we can share the love with as many people as possible.
- In the comments, post something sending out positive vibes- It can be a picture, meme, quote, song lyrics, video, or anything else as long as it conveys good vibes.
- I will give $0.01, $0.25, and $1 tips out.
Congrats to the $AB voters. Though we were close, we were unable to overtake the $AB market cap.
Can $DEBEVIC's market cap ( currently $44K) flip $AB's market cap ($59K) by Monday, March 17 at 8pm UTC?
Guess correctly by Sunday, March 16, at 11pm UTC and win $0.25 Diamonds if you are correct on March 17 at 8pm UTC.
Rules of engagement:
- You must repost this post.
- You must write a 'yes' or 'no' in the comment section no later than March 16 at 11pm to qualify.
- Only one vote per user. If you vote twice, you are automatically disqualified.
On Monday at 8pm UTC, I will post the market caps and distribute rewards to whoever is correct.
I'm curious how the $FOCUS fam perceives AI?
Please repost so we can get a good sample size. Thank you.
Congratulations, @Ghostwifhat_, for taking home first place and $5 with a guess of 635. The actual number was 718. While other guesses were closer, they came in after the deadline. @Bhagyasri snagged second place wtih a guess of 620 views and a $1 Diamond win.
*These winners could have taken home double the rewards had they been a member of the Debevic Fam...just sayin'
Thank you to everyone who participated.
$DEBEVIC wants to give you $5 or $10 in Diamonds for less than 5 seconds of effort!!! *Closest to the mark contest*
How it works:
- Repost this post
- In the comments, guess how many views this post will have on March 16 at 6pm UTC
- Only comments posted by March 15 at 6pm UTC will count
- Whoever gets the closest without going over wins $5 in Diamonds
- Whoever gets the second closest without giving over wins $1 in Diamonds
- If this post gets over 2K views by March 16 at 6pm UTC, the next 5 closest without going over each get $1 in Diamonds.
- If you win and are a member of the $Debevic Fam (subscribed to me), you will get double the reward. Be sure to write Debevic Fam after your guess.
Get an easy $0.01 Diamonds!!!
Here's How:
- Like and Repost my X Post above
- Repost this post on Focus.xyz
- Comment something funny or clever on this post to try and make others smile.
$DEBEVIC and $FOCUS Fam, we are about to hit 50,000 Post Views in our first month!!!
This is all because of the great community being built here. I need your help. In the comments, share how we should celebrate this momentous occasion.
- If this post gets 50+ Reposts, the most creative idea will get $5 in Diamonds Tips on their comment.
- If this post gets 100+ Reposts, the most creative idea will get $10 in Diamond Tips on their comment.
- Other participants may also get Diamond Tips depending on their idea(s)/.
Win Up To $5 $10 in Diamonds with the $DEBEVIC Mad Lib Contest- Repost!
How it works:
- To qualify you must repost this post.
- In the comments, respond with answers to the below items in order. The more creative usually makes for funnier Mad Libs.
- I will fill in the Mad Lib with your responses. I will take the three funniest and create a poll where the community can vote for whoever is funniest.
- Must have submissions in by March 15, 8pm UTC. 1 entry per person.
- If we get 20+ submissions, prize is $10 in Diamonds. If less than 20 entrants, prize is $5.
Put the following in your comment in numerical order.
- Verb ending in -ing
- noun- a person, place, or thing
- adjective- a word that describes or modifies an noun (I,e. red, huge, scary, etc.)
- type of food
- number
- famous person's name
- type of cryptocurrency
- Verb ending in -ing
- adjective- a word that describes or modifies an noun (I,e. red, huge, scary, etc.)
- noun- a person, place, or thing
- noun- a person, place, or thing
- type of cryptocurrency
- adjective- a word that describes or modifies an noun (I,e. red, huge, scary, etc.)