When you don’t have any problems in your life, you can’t be swayed left or right.
You can’t be marketed to, influenced, or persuaded.
There’s no pain point for marketers to agitate.
There’s no future result they can entice/seduce you with.
And there’s nothing anyone can do or say to get you to do anything you genuinely don’t want to do.
A problem is just you disagreeing with the present moment and wanting it to be different.
To be free of problems, you simply have to be okay with everything exactly the way it is and have no desire for anything to be different than what it is.
Sometimes it’s going to be maximum effort, minimum gain for a long time before the pendulum swings the other way and it becomes minimum effort, maximum gain.
This applies to anything and everything you do, not just money.
Words to live by

Words to live by

Overly focused, it's far from the time to rest now…
Can you guys get Soulja boy to launch his coin before Drake?
You know he likes being the first rapper to do shit so he'd probably be down.
I think the post views feature disincentivizes engagement.
Users who join are going to see a ton of people looking at their posts and not engaging and then just avoid the platform due to lack of engagement.
It's not a positive experience when you see a lot of people looking at your posts and not interacting. It makes people feel bad... and if I know anything about humans, it's that we avoid the things that make us feel bad.
It can also foster bad blood between people if they know you saw their post/notification and didn't interact/respond.
Not to mention it's a huge privacy issue when you're just casually scrolling the feed and everyone can see every post you just happened to come across. This is another reason people will shy away from the platform.
I think it should just show how many views your post got and not who viewed your post.
But the total post views on profiles should stay though.
Most people won’t understand your vision until it’s too big to ignore.
PSA: If you're a new user and you're not getting a lot of views or engagement, it's probably because you don't have enough assets in your wallet.
On focus you can filter by wallet balance to weed out bots and low quality accounts.
You won't see people's notifications if they don't meet the threshold you set.
You'll only see notifications from the people who meet/have more than the threshold you set.
And a lot of people already have a minimum amount setup so they won't see any of your notifications if you don't have a high enough wallet balance.
The higher your wallet balance, the more likely you are to meet those thresholds and be seen when interacting with other people on the platform.

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