We have added a DeSo molecule to ARK protocol!
You can now link your deso identity to your other wallets crosschain!
Big update to the dapp dropped just now! We've added support for Decent.Land's Ark Protocol! You can read more about Ark here: ark.decent.land/#faq
tl;dr you can link your arweave identity with your cross chain identities! (just EVM right now, but NEAR, SOL, DESO, TEZ in the works!)
To link your EVM identity just head over to your profile, click edit, click identity, choose network, connect with metamask or brave wallet and hit link!
@BundleDAO is creating a bridge between Arweave and DeSo, this would be a major upgrade to the DeSo experience, and smooth out some points of friction for creators.
@nader I come to you with a request for support.
I have been a community member for over 635 days and have done my best to support the ecosystem. I mined DeSo regardless of how unprofitable it is. Ive gathered DeSo to pay it out to node operators with @kanshi and @Desolabs, Ive supported multiple Creators and NFT projects. Supported your launch for DAODAO, created DAO's, explained them to people that are interested. Created @desoshopping to promote deso at events and out in the wild. I spend endless hours speaking to creators about the benefits of DeSo and how blockchain technology works to empower its users.
Now my efforts are geared towards @BundleDAO, please provide us with some feedback on how to proceed. We have done everything that you have recommended and still dont feel like we are being seen. Not sure what else we can be doing.
We have the support of platforms - @mousai @NFTz @waverlyapp @DeSocialWorld etc.
We have the support of artists - @unitcat @desoghost @MICEHEADS @TodComplex @ElizabethTubbs @DOZ @Murkury @GOOSIES @tobiasschmid @SpunkArt etc
We are ready to get build and take this to the next level, we really need your support. We arent asking for hundreds of thousands, we arent even asking for 100 thousand we are asking for 60k for a whole year broken into attainable milestones. 15k each. If youd like to see a more detailed breakdown we can provide that to you as well.
While you concentrate on L1 and getting DeSo seen by the masses let us concentrate on building the tools that will empower creators to stay.
Thank you, I hope to get a response 🙏
Here is how you can contribute to @BundleDAO
Here is a short video on how to contribute to @BundleDAO
Video includes selecting currency, swap to USD and contribution.
Credit, Thanks, & Permission: @tobiasschmid
Originally published to Arweave on Art By City: artby.city/paratect/blocks-animation-geometric
Day 623 - #KrassensteinDaily
- Special Guest @SLAVA joins us.
⁃ @BundleDAO looks to raise funding on @DAODAO. (daodao.io/d/BundleDAO)
⁃ BanklessHQ Newsletter talks about DeSo. (bit.ly/3Bm0x7S)
⁃ @Nader asks for @Diamond growth hacking ideas. (bit.ly/3iQlykB)
⁃ @WhaleSharkETH sells his first art NFT for 55 DeSo to @zane_ (bit.ly/3uzUPM7)
⁃ @Dharmesh notes that @WhaleSharkETH has surpassed him and @naval on the top creators list. (bit.ly/3PbaieV)
⁃ Welcome to DeSo @Chief_. (bit.ly/3FDAnQz)
⁃ @DeSocialWorld announces their weekly #Post2Earn winners. (bit.ly/3UIsXQr)
⁃ @NFTz live auctions are ending soon! (nftz.me/auctions)
⁃ Also mentioned in this video: @altumbase @desofy @Juls @Jimtoth @ashdeso @chamath @HighKey @WilliamLaurent @MechellLord @Randhir @brootle @deann4ik @Nigels @mp3 @ASG @Akhil369 @FoodCurator @CloutWomenUnite @Longo @StarGeezer @vampirecampfire @JohnJardin @ohlala @savingthesurvivors @DeadMetal @bobabro @Saagar @Aiklacn @Ashisha @R39elp @ShadyAcres @andreaspz @06uyg @boxerxxx @SpunkArt @Yana_Yu @MesutNFT @ABCDAAMIR @WhaleSharkETH @beitmenotyou @striga @Randhir @Armagedon @_Fields_ @becopro @kanshi @candlesbyjuls @ArtBycity @DeSoShopping @Astronation @Love4SRC @DeSoGhost @Goldberry @MissKatiann
⁃ Sponsored by @NFTtech
@artbycity protocol is solving this issue. Any and all feedback is appreciated. Its a free protocol built primarily on arweave but it is crosschain compatible and the assets are cross platform composible.
No problem bro! There was a few unclaimed and I just sent them to some cool people! Used arweave and @ArtByCity as well!
Check out "DeSoGhost #201 Common" permanently published by @becoproart to the Arweave permaweb on Art By City
Introducing @bundleDAO
Upload creative content to the Arweave permaweb using your DeSo identity!
NFTs on deso will never be the same