how many of you are running multiple accounts?
How many of you take advantage of telehealth? I Imagine being a community of "early adapters" more than a few. I think it is a major benefit that it was sped up due to the covid crisis? Gotta look for the silver lining!
Now is the time to builddddd!
Posted via @cloutfeed
News reports say that Facebook will soon change or is considering changing its name. Rumor has it something to do with the metaverse!
It looks as though the republican representatives of the SEC are pushing back pretty hard on Gary Gensler's plan for the regulation of crypto currency. Begs the question: Is Crypto a republican V Democrat issue? Should it be?
(Not inserting my own politics or trying to start fights ...Naturally curious what other people think...their may not be a right or wrong answer)
Now that we have referrals How do you approach people about DeSo and why they should join?
Posted via @cloutfeed
Is it still good Morning Bitclout because that is the node I am on ...or is it just a universal g'morning DESO?
What is your best move for meeting new people in a group where you don't know anyone?
I don’t consider this a dip however… I’ll buy 1k more of DESO for every “Re-Clout” this message gets at a max of 250k.
Offer ends at 6pm tomorrow. I’ll send a screen shot as proof tomorrow around this time (right after I buy more DESO)
congrats all!
🏆 CloutGiFs Competition Winners 🏆
🏆 @moontis is the winner of $200* and a @UniqueSnacks #🥨 pretzelpackage
🏆 @Rhynelf is the winner of $100* and a @UniqueSnacks #🥨 pretzelpackage
🏆 The winners of the weekly contests are @NFTArtz @rajmal and won $100* & the @UniqueSnacks #🥨 pretzelpackage
Congratulations to the other winners:
@Sabira @imarman @Xandertoshi @CompulsiveDoodler @rnovoa @Punkedpen @Mithil @JoshuaCottrell
* If possible we bought the NFT for that price, if the NFT was already sold we have send Diamonds or have send $DeSo to the account to match the award
For the pretzel winners, please get in touch.
A big shout out to our sponsors @jakeudell and @UniqueSnacks #🥨